Unlocking the Power of SQL: Using TABLE Keyword to SELECT Everything from vs SELECT * from table_name
Image by Paloma - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking the Power of SQL: Using TABLE Keyword to SELECT Everything from vs SELECT * from table_name

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When it comes to querying databases, there are several ways to retrieve data from a table. Two popular methods are using the TABLE keyword and the SELECT * statement. But what’s the difference between these two approaches, and when should you use each? In this article, we’ll delve into the world of SQL and explore the benefits and drawbacks of using TABLE keyword to SELECT everything from vs SELECT * from table_name.

What is the TABLE Keyword?

The TABLE keyword is a part of the SQL language that allows you to specify the table name directly in the FROM clause of a SELECT statement. This approach is often used when you want to retrieve all columns and rows from a table without specifying individual column names. The basic syntax for using the TABLE keyword is as follows:

FROM TABLE table_name;

Advantages of Using TABLE Keyword

Using the TABLE keyword has several advantages, including:

  • Concise syntax: The TABLE keyword reduces the amount of code you need to write, making your queries more concise and easier to read.
  • Faster development: By not having to specify individual column names, you can quickly retrieve data from a table without worrying about the underlying schema.
  • Improved maintainability: If the table structure changes, you don’t need to modify your queries to accommodate the new column names.

What is SELECT * from table_name?

The SELECT * from table_name statement is another way to retrieve all columns and rows from a table. This approach is more common and widely used, especially among beginners. The basic syntax for this statement is:

FROM table_name;

Disadvantages of Using SELECT * from table_name

While SELECT * from table_name is a convenient way to retrieve data, it has some drawbacks, including:

  • Performance issues: Retrieving all columns can lead to slower query performance, especially for large tables.
  • Increased data transfer: Transferring unnecessary data can increase network traffic and slow down your application.
  • Lack of control: By selecting all columns, you have less control over the data being retrieved and may end up with unnecessary or redundant information.

When to Use TABLE Keyword vs SELECT * from table_name

So, when should you use the TABLE keyword, and when should you use SELECT * from table_name? Here are some guidelines to help you decide:

  1. Use TABLE keyword when:
    • You need to retrieve all columns and rows from a table quickly and efficiently.
    • The table structure is subject to change, and you want your queries to be more flexible.
    • You’re working with a small to medium-sized table and performance is not a concern.
  2. Use SELECT * from table_name when:
    • You need to retrieve specific columns from a table and want more control over the data.
    • The table has a large number of columns, and you only need a few of them.
    • Performance is a critical factor, and you want to optimize your queries for speed.

Best Practices for Using TABLE Keyword and SELECT * from table_name

Regardless of which approach you choose, there are some best practices to keep in mind:

  • Use meaningful column aliases: Instead of selecting all columns, use column aliases to give your columns meaningful names.
  • Specify column names when possible: If you only need a few columns, specify them explicitly to improve performance.
  • Use indexing and caching: Implement indexing and caching mechanisms to optimize query performance and reduce data transfer.
  • Test and optimize your queries: Regularly test and optimize your queries to ensure they’re running efficiently and effectively.

Real-World Examples of Using TABLE Keyword and SELECT * from table_name

To illustrate the differences between using the TABLE keyword and SELECT * from table_name, let’s consider a few real-world examples:

Example TABLE Keyword SELECT * from table_name
Retrieving customer information SELECT * FROM TABLE customers; SELECT * FROM customers;
Retrieving order details SELECT * FROM TABLE orders WHERE order_date > '2020-01-01'; SELECT order_id, customer_id, order_date FROM orders WHERE order_date > '2020-01-01';
Retrieving product information SELECT * FROM TABLE products WHERE category = 'electronics'; SELECT product_name, product_description, price FROM products WHERE category = 'electronics';


In conclusion, both the TABLE keyword and SELECT * from table_name are useful tools in the SQL language. While the TABLE keyword provides a concise way to retrieve all columns and rows from a table, SELECT * from table_name offers more control and flexibility. By understanding the advantages and disadvantages of each approach, you can make informed decisions about when to use each. Remember to follow best practices, test and optimize your queries, and choose the approach that best suits your needs.

Now that you’ve mastered the art of using the TABLE keyword and SELECT * from table_name, it’s time to take your SQL skills to the next level. Experiment with different queries, explore advanced techniques, and unlock the full potential of your database.

Happy querying!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to demystify the differences between using the TABLE keyword and SELECT * from table_name in SQL queries!

What is the main difference between using the TABLE keyword and SELECT * from table_name?

The main difference lies in their specifying columns. The TABLE keyword is used to specify the table to select from, while SELECT * from table_name is used to retrieve all columns from the specified table. In other words, TABLE is used to define the table, whereas SELECT * is used to define the columns.

Is there a performance difference between using TABLE and SELECT *?

In terms of performance, there is no significant difference between the two. However, using SELECT * can be slower because it requires the database to retrieve all columns, which can lead to increased I/O and slower query execution. On the other hand, specifying columns using TABLE can be more efficient if you only need a subset of columns.

What happens if I use TABLE with a where clause?

When you use TABLE with a WHERE clause, it’s essentially equivalent to using SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE condition. The WHERE clause will filter the results to only include rows that meet the specified condition, and all columns will be returned.

Can I use TABLE with other clauses like ORDER BY or GROUP BY?

Yes, you can use TABLE with other clauses like ORDER BY or GROUP BY. The syntax would be TABLE table_name ORDER BY column_name or TABLE table_name GROUP BY column_name. This allows you to customize your query to retrieve the desired data.

What are some best practices for using TABLE and SELECT *?

Best practices suggest using TABLE when you need to specify the table, and SELECT * only when you need all columns. It’s also recommended to specify columns explicitly instead of using SELECT * to improve performance and reduce data redundancy. Finally, always use meaningful table aliases and column names to make your queries more readable and maintainable.

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