EF Core 6: Can I Set an Entity Value from a Different Table?
Image by Paloma - hkhazo.biz.id

EF Core 6: Can I Set an Entity Value from a Different Table?

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Entity Framework Core (EF Core) 6 is a powerful ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) tool that allows you to interact with your database using .NET objects. One of the most common tasks when working with EF Core is setting values for your entities. But what if you need to set an entity value from a different table? Can you do it? The short answer is yes! In this article, we’ll explore how to achieve this in EF Core 6.

Understanding the Problem

Let’s say you have two tables: `Orders` and `Customers`. Each order is associated with a customer, and you want to set the `CustomerName` property of an order based on the customer’s name in the `Customers` table.

Table Columns
Orders OrderId, CustomerId, OrderDate, CustomerName
Customers CustomerId, CustomerName, Email

In EF Core, you’d typically define your entities as follows:

public class Order
    public int OrderId { get; set; }
    public int CustomerId { get; set; }
    public DateTime OrderDate { get; set; }
    public string CustomerName { get; set; }
    public Customer Customer { get; set; }

public class Customer
    public int CustomerId { get; set; }
    public string CustomerName { get; set; }
    public string Email { get; set; }

The Naive Approach

A common mistake is to try to set the `CustomerName` property of an order by manually querying the `Customers` table:

var order = new Order { CustomerId = 1, OrderDate = DateTime.Now };
var customer = dbContext.Customers.FirstOrDefault(c => c.CustomerId == order.CustomerId);
order.CustomerName = customer?.CustomerName;

This approach has several issues:

  • It requires an extra database query to retrieve the customer’s name.
  • It tightly couples your entity to the database context, making it harder to test and maintain.
  • It violates the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP), as your entity is now responsible for both its own data and retrieving related data.

Using EF Core’s Navigation Properties

A better approach is to use EF Core’s navigation properties to load the related customer entity and then set the `CustomerName` property:

var order = new Order { CustomerId = 1, OrderDate = DateTime.Now };
await dbContext.SaveChangesAsync();

var customer = dbContext.Customers.FirstOrDefault(c => c.CustomerId == order.CustomerId);
order.CustomerName = customer?.CustomerName;

This approach is better, but still has some issues:

  • It requires two database queries: one to save the order and another to retrieve the customer’s name.
  • It still tightly couples your entity to the database context.

Using a Single Query with Include

A more efficient approach is to use EF Core’s `Include` method to load the related customer entity in a single query:

var order = dbContext.Orders
    .Include(o => o.Customer)
    .FirstOrDefault(o => o.CustomerId == 1);

if (order != null)
    order.CustomerName = order.Customer.CustomerName;

This approach is better, but it still requires some manual work to set the `CustomerName` property. Can we do better?

Using a LINQ Query with Join

We can use a LINQ query with a join to load the related customer entity and set the `CustomerName` property in a single query:

var order = dbContext.Orders
    .Join(dbContext.Customers, o => o.CustomerId, c => c.CustomerId, (o, c) => new Order
        OrderId = o.OrderId,
        CustomerId = o.CustomerId,
        OrderDate = o.OrderDate,
        CustomerName = c.CustomerName
    .FirstOrDefault(o => o.CustomerId == 1);

This approach is efficient and avoids manual work, but it can be cumbersome to write and maintain.

Using EF Core’s Projection

A more elegant solution is to use EF Core’s projection feature to load the required data in a single query:

var order = dbContext.Orders
    .Select(o => new Order
        OrderId = o.OrderId,
        CustomerId = o.CustomerId,
        OrderDate = o.OrderDate,
        CustomerName = o.Customer.CustomerName
    .FirstOrDefault(o => o.CustomerId == 1);

This approach is concise, efficient, and maintainable. It allows you to load the required data in a single query and encapsulates the logic within the EF Core query.


In this article, we’ve explored how to set an entity value from a different table in EF Core 6. We’ve seen the naive approach, using navigation properties, using a single query with `Include`, using a LINQ query with join, and using EF Core’s projection feature. Each approach has its pros and cons, but using EF Core’s projection feature is often the most elegant and efficient solution.

Remember to choose the approach that best suits your needs, and don’t be afraid to experiment and optimize your queries for better performance.

Tips and Variations

Here are some additional tips and variations to consider:

  • Use EF Core’s `.thenInclude` method to load multiple levels of related data.
  • Use EF Core’s `Select` method to load specific columns or calculate values on the fly.
  • Use EF Core’s `FromSql` method to execute raw SQL queries or stored procedures.
  • Consider using a separate service or repository layer to encapsulate your EF Core queries and business logic.

By following these best practices and using EF Core’s powerful features, you can write efficient, scalable, and maintainable code that meets your specific requirements.

Frequently Asked Question

Get the inside scoop on EF Core 6 and learn how to set an entity value from a different table!

Can I set an entity value from a different table in EF Core 6?

Yes, you can! In EF Core 6, you can use the `Load` method or the `Include` method to load related data from another table. For example, you can use `context.Orders.Include(o => o.Customer)` to load the `Customer` entity associated with each `Order`. Then, you can access the `Customer` properties and set the value of an entity from the `Customers` table.

How do I use the `Load` method to set an entity value from a different table?

The `Load` method is used to explicitly load a navigation property from the database. You can use it to load a related entity from another table and then set its value. For example, `context.Orders.Find(orderId).CustomerReference.Load()` loads the `Customer` entity associated with an `Order`, and then you can set its properties.

What is the difference between `Load` and `Include` methods?

The `Load` method is used to explicitly load a navigation property, whereas the `Include` method is used to specify which related data to include in the query. `Include` is used when you want to load related data in a single database round trip, whereas `Load` is used when you want to load related data separately.

Can I use LINQ queries to set an entity value from a different table?

Yes, you can! You can use LINQ queries to retrieve data from another table and set an entity value. For example, `var customer = context.Customers.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == orderId);` retrieves a `Customer` entity from the `Customers` table and then you can set its properties.

Are there any best practices for setting entity values from different tables in EF Core 6?

Yes, there are! It’s recommended to use navigation properties to access related data, and to use `Load` or `Include` methods to load related data explicitly. Additionally, use LINQ queries carefully to avoid loading unnecessary data, and consider using asynchronous queries to improve performance.