Is there a way to inject CSS properties inline with Thymeleaf?
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Is there a way to inject CSS properties inline with Thymeleaf?

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As a developer, you’ve likely found yourself in a situation where you need to add a dash of CSS flair to a specific element in your Thymeleaf template. Perhaps you want to change the text color, font size, or add some padding to make your design pop. But, you’re stuck wondering, “Is there a way to inject CSS properties inline with Thymeleaf?” Well, wonder no more! In this article, we’ll delve into the world of Thymeleaf and explore the various ways to inject CSS properties inline, making your life as a developer a whole lot easier.

Thymeleaf 101: A Quick Refresher

Before we dive into the good stuff, let’s quickly cover the basics of Thymeleaf. Thymeleaf is a popular Java-based template engine that allows you to create HTML templates with dynamic data. It’s known for its simplicity, flexibility, and ease of use. With Thymeleaf, you can create reusable templates, conditionally render elements, and even perform complex data manipulations.

Why Inline CSS with Thymeleaf?

So, why would you want to inject CSS properties inline with Thymeleaf in the first place? Well, there are several reasons:

  • Convenience**: Inline CSS allows you to quickly add styling to a specific element without having to create a separate CSS file or modify an existing one.
  • Flexibility**: With Thymeleaf, you can dynamically generate CSS properties based on your application’s logic, making it easier to create responsive and adaptive designs.
  • Readability**: Inline CSS can make your HTML markup more readable by keeping the styling information close to the element it affects.

Method 1: Using the `th:style` Attribute

The first method to inject CSS properties inline with Thymeleaf is by using the `th:style` attribute. This attribute allows you to define a string of CSS properties and values that will be applied to the element.

<div th:style="${'color: ' + textColor}"></div>

In the example above, the `th:style` attribute takes a string expression that concatenates the `color:` property with the value of the `textColor` variable. This will result in an element with a dynamically set text color.

Dynamic Property Names

What if you want to dynamically set the property name itself? Thymeleaf’s got you covered! You can use the `th:style` attribute with a map of property names and values.

<div th:style="${{'color': textColor, 'font-size': fontSize}}"></div>

In this example, the `th:style` attribute takes a map with two entries: `color` and `font-size`. The values of these properties are set dynamically using the `textColor` and `fontSize` variables.

Method 2: Using the `th:attr` Attribute

The second method to inject CSS properties inline with Thymeleaf is by using the `th:attr` attribute. This attribute allows you to set arbitrary attributes on an element, including CSS properties.

<div th:attr="style=${'color: ' + textColor}"></div>

In this example, the `th:attr` attribute sets the `style` attribute of the element to a string expression that concatenates the `color:` property with the value of the `textColor` variable.

Shortcomings of `th:attr`

While `th:attr` can be used to set CSS properties, it has some limitations. For instance, it can only set a single property at a time, and you need to provide the entire property value as a string.

Method 3: Using a Custom Utility Object

The third method to inject CSS properties inline with Thymeleaf is by using a custom utility object. This approach allows you to create a reusable object that can generate CSS properties dynamically.

<div th:style="${cssUtil.getStyle(textColor, fontSize)}"></div>

In this example, we’re using a custom `cssUtil` object that has a `getStyle` method. This method takes two arguments, `textColor` and `fontSize`, and returns a string of CSS properties that can be applied to the element.

Benefits of Custom Utility Objects

Using a custom utility object provides several benefits:

  • Reusability**: You can reuse the utility object across your application, making it easy to maintain consistent styling.
  • Flexibility**: You can create complex CSS properties and logic within the utility object, making it easy to adapt to different design requirements.
  • Readability**: The HTML markup becomes more readable, as the styling logic is abstracted away from the template.

Best Practices and Considerations

When injecting CSS properties inline with Thymeleaf, it’s essential to keep in mind the following best practices and considerations:

  1. Keep it simple**: Avoid complex CSS logic in your templates. Instead, use custom utility objects or separate CSS files for more extensive styling.
  2. Use variables wisely**: Make sure to use variables that are specific to the element or component being styled, avoiding global variables that can lead to conflicts.
  3. Test thoroughly**: Verify that your inline CSS properties are being applied correctly and don’t cause any layout issues.


In conclusion, injecting CSS properties inline with Thymeleaf is a powerful technique that can simplify your development workflow and make your templates more flexible and maintainable. By using the `th:style` attribute, `th:attr` attribute, or a custom utility object, you can create dynamic and responsive designs that adapt to your application’s logic. Remember to follow best practices and consider the limitations of each approach to ensure your inline CSS properties are used effectively.

So, the next time you’re wondering, “Is there a way to inject CSS properties inline with Thymeleaf?”, you’ll know the answer is a resounding “Yes!”

Method Description Example
`th:style` Attribute Defines a string of CSS properties and values `<div th:style=”${‘color: ‘ + textColor}”></div>`
`th:attr` Attribute Sets arbitrary attributes on an element, including CSS properties `<div th:attr=”style=${‘color: ‘ + textColor}”></div>`
Custom Utility Object Generates CSS properties dynamically using a reusable object `<div th:style=”${cssUtil.getStyle(textColor, fontSize)}”></div>`

Frequently Asked Question

Get your Thymeleaf questions answered!

Can I inject CSS properties inline with Thymeleaf?

Yes, you can! Thymeleaf allows you to inject CSS properties inline using the `th:style` attribute. For example, `

` will render as `
` if `myColor` is a variable in your context with the value `red`.
How do I set multiple CSS properties inline with Thymeleaf?

Easy peasy! You can set multiple CSS properties inline by separating them with commas. For example, `

` will render as `
` if `myColor` and `myFontSize` are variables in your context with the values `red` and `18px`, respectively.
Can I use Thymeleaf variables inside CSS property values?

Absolutely! You can use Thymeleaf variables inside CSS property values using the `#{}` syntax. For example, `

` will render as `
` if `imageUrl` is a variable in your context with the value ``.
How do I conditionally apply CSS styles with Thymeleaf?

No problem! You can conditionally apply CSS styles using Thymeleaf’s conditional expressions. For example, `

` will render as `
` if the `isAdmin` variable is `true`, and as `
` otherwise.
Are there any performance considerations when using inline CSS with Thymeleaf?

Good question! While using inline CSS with Thymeleaf can be convenient, it’s generally recommended to avoid it for performance reasons. Inline styles can lead to larger HTML payload sizes and slower page loads. Instead, consider using an external stylesheet or a CSS framework like Bootstrap or Tailwind CSS.