How to Implement Recovery Codes for TOTP Multifactor Authentication: A Step-by-Step Guide
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How to Implement Recovery Codes for TOTP Multifactor Authentication: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you looking to add an extra layer of security to your online accounts using TOTP (Time-Based One-Time Password) multifactor authentication? You’re on the right track! However, have you considered what would happen if you lose access to your authenticator app or device? That’s where recovery codes come in. In this article, we’ll show you how to implement recovery codes for TOTP multifactor authentication, ensuring you can always regain access to your accounts.

What are Recovery Codes?

A recovery code is a unique, randomly generated code that allows you to recover access to your account in case you lose your authenticator app or device. Think of it as a backup key to unlock your account. Recovery codes are usually provided when you set up TOTP multifactor authentication, and they should be stored safely and securely.

Why Do I Need Recovery Codes?

Here are a few scenarios where recovery codes can save the day:

  • Your authenticator app is deleted or uninstalled accidentally.

  • Your device is lost, stolen, or damaged.

  • You’re unable to access your authenticator app due to a software or hardware issue.

  • You’re switching to a new device or app and can’t transfer your TOTP settings.

How to Generate Recovery Codes

The process of generating recovery codes varies depending on the platform or service you’re using. Here are some general steps:

How to Use Recovery Codes

When you need to use a recovery code, follow these steps:

Best Practices for Storing Recovery Codes

To ensure the security of your recovery codes, follow these best practices:

  • Store recovery codes in a secure, encrypted password manager or note-taking app.

Implementing Recovery Codes in Your Application

If you’re a developer looking to implement recovery codes in your application, here’s a high-level overview of the process:

// Generate a set of recovery codes for the user
$recovery_codes = generate_recovery_codes($user_id);

// Store the recovery codes securely in your database
store_recovery_codes($user_id, $recovery_codes);

// Provide the user with a way to access the recovery codes
display_recovery_codes($user_id, $recovery_codes);

// When the user tries to log in with a recovery code
if (verify_recovery_code($user_id, $recovery_code)) {
  // Grant access to the user
} else {
  // Deny access and prompt the user to try again

Example Recovery Code Generation and Storage

Here’s an example of how you might generate and store recovery codes in a simple web application:

User ID Recovery Codes
1 {“rc1”: “345678”, “rc2”: “901234”, “rc3”: “567890”}
2 {“rc1”: “456789”, “rc2”: “234567”, “rc3”: “890123”}

In this example, each user has three recovery codes stored in a JSON object. The recovery codes are generated randomly and stored securely in the database.


Recovery codes are an essential component of TOTP multifactor authentication, providing a safety net in case you lose access to your authenticator app or device. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can implement recovery codes for your online accounts and ensure you never lose access to your sensitive information. Remember to store your recovery codes safely and securely, and use them wisely to regain access to your accounts when needed.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions about recovery codes:

  • Q: Can I use the same recovery codes for multiple accounts?

    A: No, it’s recommended to generate unique recovery codes for each account to maintain maximum security.

  • Q: How many recovery codes should I generate?

    A: It’s recommended to generate at least 3-5 recovery codes for each account, but this may vary depending on your specific use case.

  • Q: Can I regenerate recovery codes if I lose them?

    A: Yes, you can regenerate recovery codes, but make sure to store the new codes safely and securely.

By implementing recovery codes for TOTP multifactor authentication, you can add an extra layer of security to your online accounts and ensure you always have access to your sensitive information. Remember to follow best practices for storing recovery codes and use them wisely to regain access to your accounts when needed.

Frequently Asked Question

Get the answers to the most common questions about implementing recovery codes for TOTP multifactor authentication!

What are recovery codes and why do I need them?

Recovery codes are a set of randomly generated codes that can be used to regain access to your account in case you lose your TOTP authenticator app or device. You need them to prevent being locked out of your account in case of unexpected events, such as a lost or stolen device, or a faulty authenticator app. Think of them as a backup plan to ensure you can always access your account!

How do I generate recovery codes for TOTP multifactor authentication?

To generate recovery codes, you’ll need to access your account settings and look for the multifactor authentication or security settings. From there, you should be able to find an option to generate or retrieve recovery codes. The exact steps may vary depending on the service or application you’re using. Make sure to store the codes securely, such as in a password manager or a safe, to keep them out of the wrong hands!

How many recovery codes should I generate and store?

It’s recommended to generate and store at least 2-3 recovery codes, but you can generate more if you feel it’s necessary. Just remember to keep them safe and secure, as they can be used to access your account without the need for a TOTP authenticator app or device. Don’t share them with anyone, and avoid storing them in easily accessible locations!

How do I use a recovery code to regain access to my account?

To use a recovery code, go to the login page of your account and enter your username and password as usual. When prompted for the TOTP code, enter one of your recovery codes instead. This will allow you to access your account and reset your TOTP authenticator app or device. Remember to update your TOTP settings and generate new recovery codes afterwards to ensure continued security!

Are recovery codes the same as backup codes?

While both recovery codes and backup codes serve as a backup plan for TOTP multifactor authentication, they’re not exactly the same. Recovery codes are typically used to regain access to an account in case of a lost or stolen device, whereas backup codes are used to authenticate when the primary TOTP device is unavailable (e.g., due to battery drain or network issues). Think of recovery codes as a “break-in-case-of-emergency” solution, and backup codes as a “just-in-case” solution!