How to Show the Same Field Value from Another Entity Attributes: A Step-by-Step Guide
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How to Show the Same Field Value from Another Entity Attributes: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of manually entering the same data multiple times in your entity attributes? Do you wish there was a way to effortlessly display the same field value from another entity attribute? Well, you’re in luck! This comprehensive guide will walk you through the process of achieving this feat with ease.

Understanding Entity Attributes and Relationships

Before we dive into the solution, let’s take a step back and understand the basics of entity attributes and relationships. An entity attribute is a characteristic or feature of an entity, such as a customer, product, or order. These attributes can be further categorized into different data types, like text, number, date, and so on.

Entity relationships, on the other hand, refer to the connections between different entities. For instance, a customer can have multiple orders, and an order is related to a specific customer. This relationship allows us to access and manipulate data across entities.

The Problem: Displaying the Same Field Value from Another Entity Attribute

Now, imagine you have two entities: Customer and Order. Both entities have a field called “Address”. You want to display the same address value from the Customer entity in the Order entity, without having to manually enter it again. This is where the magic happens!

Solution: Using Entity Relationships and Calculated Fields

The solution lies in leveraging entity relationships and calculated fields. Calculated fields are a type of field that derives its value from a formula or an expression. We’ll use this feature to fetch the address value from the Customer entity and display it in the Order entity.

Step 1: Establish an Entity Relationship

First, create an entity relationship between the Customer and Order entities. This can be done by creating a lookup field in the Order entity that references the Customer entity.

// Create a lookup field in the Order entity
Order.CustomerId = Customer.Id

Step 2: Create a Calculated Field

Next, create a calculated field in the Order entity to fetch the address value from the Customer entity.

// Create a calculated field in the Order entity
Order.Address = Customer.Address

In this example, the calculated field “Address” in the Order entity will fetch the value from the “Address” field in the Customer entity, using the established entity relationship.

Step 3: Configure the Calculated Field

Now, configure the calculated field to display the desired format. You can use various functions, such as concatenation, substring, or formatting, to customize the output.

// Configure the calculated field to display the address in a specific format
Order.Address = CONCAT(Customer.Address1, ", ", Customer.Address2)

In this example, the calculated field “Address” will display the concatenated values of “Address1” and “Address2” from the Customer entity.

Alternative Solution: Using Entity Forms and JavaScript

If you’re not comfortable using calculated fields or need more flexibility, you can use entity forms and JavaScript to achieve the same result.

Step 1: Create an Entity Form

Create an entity form for the Order entity, and add a field to display the address value.

// Create an entity form for the Order entity
Order.Form = {
  fields: [
      name: "Address",
      type: "text",
      label: "Address"

Step 2: Add JavaScript Code

Add JavaScript code to the entity form to fetch the address value from the Customer entity and populate the field.

// Add JavaScript code to the entity form
Order.Form.onload = function() {
  var customerId = Order.CustomerId;
  var customer = Customer.get(customerId);
  var address = customer.Address;

In this example, the JavaScript code fetches the customer ID from the Order entity, retrieves the corresponding customer record, and populates the address field with the fetched value.

Best Practices and Considerations

When implementing these solutions, keep the following best practices and considerations in mind:

  • Ensure data consistency: Make sure the data is consistent across entities to avoid displaying incorrect values.
  • Optimize performance: Calculated fields and JavaScript code can impact performance. Optimize your code and use caching mechanisms to minimize the impact.
  • Test thoroughly: Test your solution thoroughly to ensure it works as expected in different scenarios.


Displaying the same field value from another entity attribute can be a daunting task, but with the right approach, it’s achievable. By leveraging entity relationships and calculated fields or entity forms and JavaScript, you can effortlessly show the same value without manual intervention. Remember to follow best practices and test your solution thoroughly to ensure a seamless user experience.

Entity Attribute Relationship
Customer Address One-to-Many (Order)
Order Address Many-to-One (Customer)

This comprehensive guide should have equipped you with the knowledge to show the same field value from another entity attribute. Remember to stay creative and explore different solutions to tackle complex problems in your entity models.

  1. Understand entity attributes and relationships.
  2. Establish an entity relationship between the two entities.
  3. Create a calculated field or use an entity form with JavaScript.
  4. Configure the calculated field or JavaScript code to display the desired value.

By following these steps and considering best practices, you’ll be able to effortlessly display the same field value from another entity attribute, making your entity models more efficient and user-friendly.

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “How to show the same field value from another entity attributes” in HTML format:

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to your most pressing questions about showing the same field value from another entity attributes!

Can I display a field value from a related entity in my current entity?

Yes, you can! You can use the “Lookup” feature to display a field value from a related entity. Simply go to the field settings, select the related entity and the field you want to display, and voilà!

How do I create a calculated field that references a field from another entity?

Easy peasy! To create a calculated field, go to the field settings, select “Calculated” as the field type, and then use the formula editor to reference the field from the other entity. You can use the “Related” function to access the related entity’s fields.

Can I use a rollup field to display aggregated data from a related entity?

Absolutely! Rollup fields are perfect for displaying aggregated data from related entities. Simply create a rollup field, select the related entity and the field you want to aggregate, and choose the aggregation function (e.g., sum, average, count).

How do I display a field value from a related entity on a form?

No problem! To display a field value from a related entity on a form, simply add a field to the form, select the related entity and the field you want to display, and configure the field settings as needed.

Can I use a business rule to update a field value based on a field value from another entity?

Yes, you can! Business rules allow you to automate actions based on conditions. Simply create a business rule, define the condition based on the field value from the other entity, and specify the action to update the field value.